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From The Bible

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

Monday 28 January 2013

Learning To Trust GOD

Many of us too many times find it hard or too difficult to trust God, we find it 'inefficient' and would rather do what we want to do. We, in essence are only showing or trying to prove to God that we are wiser and know better than He does. We find it hard letting God take His place and allowing Him do what things He wants to do in our lives according to His divine plan and purpose for us. Can we really do it better? Definitely not which is why after wasting so much energy, resources, and time we end up going back to Him 'asking Him to forgive us and pleading that He take the wheels'.

The times Jesus healed people, their getting healed almost always depended on them believing in Him and His been able to, He also said "if you believe you will receive". God told the Israelites "stand still and know that I am God". If Joshua and the Israelites had not believed in God, (maybe thinking about how singing around a city for 7 days was going to solve their problem of defeating a city with walls as thick as a house) they would never have conquered Jericho.

There are many instances in our personal lives and in the Bible that point to this.

I personally have an instance where I had to let go of a huge sum of money just so it would not disturb my relationship with God by causing me to sin, even though in my heart. I had to trust God enough to provide another money for me to meet the needs I had. Immediately I did, I felt peace, the kind that Jesus described, that passes all understanding and I also started to see God's working, less than 30 minutes later!

The story of Abraham, Mary, Job and a host of others in the bible also point to the rewards of trusting and obeying for 'obedience is better than sacrifice'.

Jesus has been given to us as our perfect example and there are also Biblical illustrations to this effect. Christianity is being (Jesus)Christ-like, right? So if you do not fit the description then are you a christian? Which was how they word Christian came about in the Corinthian church (Acts 11:26).

I implore you, let go of those things drawing and distracting you from God, trust God enough to 'happily and gratefully' let go, cast your burdens upon the Lord and he shall sustain you. Follow Him, let Him lead you, let Him be your 'Lord'. Never for one second think that God isn't there with you, He always is and watches over you. Rely on Him and watch the turn around your life will take. That doesn't mean that you won't work or anything but follow His lead, only do what He tells you to. Trust in His judgement and grow in Him for without Him we can do nothing, it is not by power neither is it by might but by His spirit. Believing/having faith in God is not just about going to church and praying empty prayers but actually believing. Even becoming born-again you 'must first believe that He is...' so if you believe that He is why not you trust and have faith, with joy, because you know He will, and do so without doubt.

God said "seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all other things shall be added... (Matt 6:33)" Seeking first God's kingdom is following God's will, plan, and purpose obediently. That is exactly what am doing and all other things have been added!

Further reading:
Genesis 15:6, 21:1-1, 22:1-13, John 1:1-4, Matthew 9:28-29, Matthew 10:29-30, Matthew 7:7-11, Luke 11:3, 9-13, Psalm 115:11, Proverbs 3:5 .

Father I am sorry for been disobedient and not trusting you. Forgive me and help me, teach me to be obedient and submissive to your will and your Holy Spirit, not my will but Yours be done, and align me to yourself. I want to continue to trust you all the days of my life. Thank you Heavenly Father, my Lord, possessor of heaven and earth, in Jesus name (Amen).

Prayerfully and sincerely let go of everything that you think is holding you back from God. You can start by making a list of them, praying on each one. As God helps you to forsake them, you strike them out. And watch as joy, peace, and blessings from God take root and manifest in your life, you will be forever changed!

Please share your thoughts and contributions through the comments box below. Thank you.

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