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From The Bible

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Now I understand: He that doeth, let him keep at it

"let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy."
Revelations 22:11(NIV)

There is only Black and White, no ash; you don't stay on the fence, and there is no fence. The devil lets you see the surface like it allows for compromise, for a common ground between the things that are carnal and the things that are spiritual, for mixing both together, but when you get deeper or get hooked then you realise its only been one or the other all along. At that point it would be very hard for you to back out even though you might want to since you would not want to let go of the things that you have supposedly acquired and accomplish all the while. Joyce Meyer said (and I do agree with her), "the devil does not care about your destruction, he only cares about your distraction". I see a lot of sense in that because if his aim is to (kill, steal and) destroy as the Jesus has said and he knows the only way to accomplish this is to distract then he will definitely put all his resources to distracting you. What do we have in the world today? You look every where and all you see, feel, hear, touch etc is there to distract you, to lure you away from the focus -Jesus, to make you sin. They certainly are only there to fulfil a common aim - TO DESTROY YOU.

Never for one moment think that you can merge both; it's either here or there, this or that, on the side of good or bad, if not white then black, and vice-versa. There really are not other ways to it. Its either one or the other, life or death, blessings or curses, eternal life or eternal damnation, GOD or the devil.

So many people take the devil's bait and get deceived into thinking they can do the wrong things which glorify the devil, and still be candidate of heaven, and still believe they pray to God and He answers them. Some actually believe that it is God that blesses that wrong thing that they do. And others say "the end justifies the means...". Take for example these musicians that propagate and glorify the devil through their music by commonising/justifying sin, immorality, violence etc and giving thanks to God on one track or the other, or even going to church for thanksgiving. Who are we deceiving? God? The bible says, "be not deceived for God is not mocked...". I know some people (and am sure you do too) that do things related to "dishonest weights", and practise fraudulent activities and still pay tithes of such. I have times I haven't cared to number heard people say some lies are justified, that some lies are white lies. What in God's name is a white lie? And where is that based. They just try to justify their wrong doings because of their hardness of heart with one excuse or the other. Who are we trying to bribe and deceive? God?

Jesus said in Revelations 22:11(NIV) "let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy". I can make a wild conclusion that Jesus was trying to make it clear with this passage that you can only take one of the two ways that have been presented to man: to do righteously following the light, or to do wickedly following darkness. Jesus is the way the truth and life (John 14:6). I guess he would not want you to lose both ways and so there He is telling you to continue to do that which you want to do and not feel like you been forced to follow Him when in essence you are not by been a hypocrite, and also making things worse by misrepresenting Him and the Father. There are also scriptures in the Bible that point to this: Ezek3:27 says that they are rebellious and they will never turn from their wicked ways; Dan12:10 says they will continue to be wicked because they will not understand; And Jesus all through His ministry (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) always talked about their hardness of heart, hypocrisy, and rebelliousness among other thins.

Jesus said "and ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free... (John 8:32). I urge you, as Christians do not deceived deceived by the devil and his lies. So many things that we see around us are just there to pull us down. LET US ALL FOCUS ON JESUS, THE AUTHOR AND FINISHER OF OUT FAITH, for in Him lies life and truth.

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